Special Skills For Movies

Separate yourself from the masses. Look like a pro, get paid like a pro.

Most people do not look good in the movies when it comes to special skills. Especially when we see gun handling and tactics. There is only one actor to my knowledge, who can run guns – Keanu ReevesĀ (John Wick). He did separate himself from the others by training the skill that makes him superior to any other actor running guns. Would you like to be superior? Would you like to look like a pro? Would you like to get booked and have agentsĀ calling you, because you can do what others cannot?

Whether you want to look like special forces, body guard, hand to hand expert or a pro fighter I can teach you. I have done it all in real life and can teach you to look like a pro when you need to.

Regardless if you are an absolute beginner or an expert, I can bring you to the next level.

Learn to be a proficient and safe gun operator. Learn tactical movement. Learn how to fall and fight on a set without injuries. Learn the skills and stand out!

Actor, stunt or extra?
Separate yourself from the masses. Look like a pro, get paid like a pro.
For more information, pricing or to book your first class,
please answer the following questions.

    Your Full Name?

    Your Email?

    Your Phone Number?

    Your Age?

    How did you hear about us?

    Do you have any prior firearms training?


    Contact Me
    545 E Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V5T 1X4